February 29, 2016

Leap Year - It's Monday! What Are You Reading


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organise yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join them!
a divide
Well last day of February and a Happy Birthday to anyone who is a leap year 29th February person. My last Principal at the school I worked at was one, but I don't know of any others.
It has sort of been a lazy, hazy week for me. Some reading, some quilting, lunch out with friends and so on.

Yesterday I read a post shared on  The Jaunty Quills - The Little Things That Make You Stabby! Did it strike a note with me! For sure! I love that word - stabby. I have been struggling with image issues on my blog all week, plus no screws for my kitchen cabinets. I mean how difficult can it be to get the right size screws to go with the handles I was sold. Yea right! Mega difficult. So I been feeling stabby. First world problems as the writer of The Little Things That Make You Stabby notes, but I am a first world person! Image issue seems to have been righted - small mercies count!

So anyway onto reading!                            

What I read last week:

The Last Original Wife book cover The Two-Family House book cover

Secrets of a Charmed Life book cover
I loved all three and will have a review for The Two-Family House later. 
Secrets of a Charmed Life was a very good audiobook mainly detailing life for two girls - sisters, in the bombing raids on England and where their lives went from there. 
The Dorothy Benton Frank book was very enjoyable too. It was from my TBR shelf.

What I am reading at present:

The Loveliest Chocolate Factory in Paris book cover
Review book and a reissue of one that came out first in 2013. Have already had to eat chocolate while reading this!

Listening to:
Wedding Ring
A reread for me, and this time via audiobook. Loved the whole series and plan to reread by listening as time goes by.

Up next:

From the review shelf:
Outback Sisters book cover

Posts from the last week:

The Ramblers   Aidan Donnelley Rowley
Brotherhood in Death  J. D. Robb
No Child of Mine Susan Lewis
1. Laurel-Rain @ Serendipity  27. Shannon @ River City Reading  53. Joann Downie  
2. Greg @ Book Haven  28. Kathy @ Kathy Reads Fiction  54. Sue @ Book By Book  
3. Nise'@Under the Boardwalk  29. Julie @ Smiling Shelves  55. Jane @ Rain City Librarian  
4. Christina T @ Reading Extensively  30. Amanda @ Bookshelf Monstrosity  56. Brandie @ Brandie is a Book Ju  
5. Martha @ Reviews by Martha's Bookshelf  31. Abbi@Christian Novels  57. Emma @ onceuponalittlefield  
6. Literary Lindsey  32. Kristen (BookNAround)  58. Sarah's Book Shelves  
7. Laura @ Library of Clean Reads  33. Kym @ Just A Second  59. maria helena @ marelden  
8. Myra @ GatheringBooks  34. Deborah @ Debbish  60. Laura@The Book Junkie  
9. Theresa @ Truth About Books  35. Kelly @ The Well-Read Redhead  61. Debbie@The Friday Friends  
10. Bob @ Beauty in Ruins  36. Jennifer | Book Den  62. Maybe Books Will Be Our Always  
11. Viki@ hobbiesandeverythinginbetween  37. First Impressions Reviews  63. CJ Casey  
12. Lisa @ LisaTeachR's Classroom  38. Mandy @ The Reading Diaries  64. Sharlene @ Olduvai Reads  
13. Louisa @ Words I Write Crazy  39. Judy @ Busy Hands Are Happy Hands  65. Beth @ Library Chicken  
14. Lois@ You, Me and a Cup of Tea  40. Erin @ Quixotic Magpie  66. Eve @ Bookish Confections  
15. Melissa Lee's Many Reads  41. Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews  67. Heather@worthgettinginbedfor  
16. Maree @ life the universe and cats  42. Kathy @ Inside of a Dog  68. HeatherAnne@ Words, Words, Words  
17. Kristin @ Kritters Ramblings  43. Lisa @ Lisa's Library  69. Rachel  
18. Majanka @ I Heart Reading  44. Lori @ Palmer's Page Turners  70. Leah @ lfinchblog  
19. Jennifer@The Leaning Stack of Books  45. Susan @ The Book Bag  71. Toes in the Sand  
20. Jo @ Captured on Film  46. Julianne @ Outlandish Lit  72. Fi @ Bookish Outsider  
21. Sam Still Reading  47. Angie @ Pinkindle  73. Julie @ My Book Retreat  
22. Raye @ The Book Hoarder  48. Rita @ View From My Home  74. Marisa @ The Daily Dosage  
23. Yvonne @ A Darn Good Read  49. Lori@Escape With Dollycas  75. Kristen @ The Book Monsters  
24. Nicola @ Back to Books  50. The Crafty Engineers Bookshelf  76. Akilah @ The Englishist  
25. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz  51. Melinda @ West Metro Mommy Reads  
26. Harvee @BookDilettante  52. Marci Johnson  

(Linkup closed)


  1. Great haul! I also got The Ramblers this week...and I am ogling The Two-Family House. Enjoy your week, and thanks for sharing (and hosting!).

  2. I love the cover of The Two-Family House! Curious about what you thought- will look forward to your review!
    I hope you have a great week!

  3. Problems are problems, whether first world or not, right? :) Stabby- that is a fun word. I got a kick out of that post. Happy leap day and I love the cover of The chocolate Shop in Paris. I wouldn't mind being there right now. :)

    Have a great week.

  4. I was hoping my granddaughter would make her appearance on Feb. 29th, but she decided to arrive on her due date last Sunday! Hope you have a great week.

  5. Glad you got the images fixed and hope the kitchen issue will be resolved soon.

    I like the sound of The Loveliest Chocolate Shop in Paris. I think I'd need to have chocolate on hand while reading too!

  6. I am glad you enjoyed your reading and lazy week. Hmmm - stabby... there's a word.
    I hope you find those screws and Have a happy week!

  7. I like the word stabby...makes me smile for some reason. The Chocolate Shop in Paris really really appeals to me. I'm a chocoholic. So glad you loved all your books this past week!

  8. The Chocolate shop in Paris looks good. I also like the word Stabby.

  9. Haha, so I guess The Loveliest Chocolate Shop in Paris wouldn't be recommended to those who are on a diet. I'd imagine I would require chocolate to read that one as well.
    Hope you have a wonderful week.

  10. You had a great reading week and some great books. I have a few of Jenny colgan books in my to read pile!

  11. Stabby is a great word! It looks like you had a great reading week. I just put The Loveliest Chocolate Shop In Paris, back on my list, since I saw you were reading it. I started it awhile ago, but dieting, didn't want to be reminded of chocolate. Now I'm trying to walk more, so I don't have to worry about my diet so much. I enjoyed reading Colgan's work in the past. Good luck getting your screws for your handles. Have a great week.

  12. I'm reading Outback Sisters at the moment and adoring it! Have a great week!

  13. I love the cover on two family house!

  14. My heart leaps up when I see the Chocolate Shop book!

  15. I think I might have to read the Chocolate in Paris book!

  16. A couple of your books were already on my want list, now there are more. The Loveliest Chocolate Shop is Paris sounds really good (no pun intended). You had a productive week, reading, walking and quilting. That is always a good week. Enjoy this coming week too.

  17. I like the word "stabby." I get that way at times. :)

    I knew you would like Dorothea Benton's book. Glad you enjoyed it.

    Have a wonderful week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  18. The Two-Family House looks intriguing. I'll have to check it out. I can't wait to hear what you think of it. And the Chocolate Shop book - yummy!! Happy reading!

  19. Fantastic reading week, Secrets of a Charmed Life looks particularly good. Also, "stabby" is a great descriptive word -- love it!

  20. I'm reading "The Two-Story House" right now. I'm not very far into it yet, but I'm enjoying it so far!

  21. Ah for a lazy week - sounds like yours was lovely...here's to another good one and some good books.

  22. Been seeing The Two Family House around lately - hope you enjoy it!

  23. My uncle missed being a Leap Year person by 3 hours. I think he's always been a bit relieved! He was born in the early hours of March 1st. I LOVED The Wedding Ring and the whole series. I need to do a reread of some kind. I miss those characters!

  24. Glad you enjoyed Two Family House - I did, too! I wrote my review for Publisher's Weekly last week.

    My husband's friend has a birthday today - his 16th! lol

    Enjoy your week & your books -


    Book By Book

  25. I do not know anyone born this day

  26. Great reading choices Kathryn, right now I'm reading an upcoming MJ Rose novel for review in LibraryJournal I'm afraid its going to be slim pickings for my personal reading this month because my contract reviews are many and huge books too! LOL Happy reading!

  27. Sorry to hear you've been feeling stabby. I've been a bit up and down myself but hoping that improves as I get into a routine!

    Hope you have a better week! xx


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